В отчете «Экспорт газа из Центральной Азии» рассматриваются текущее положение газовой отрасли:
- Азербайджана
- Казахстана
- Туркменистана
- Узбекистана
по отдельности и во взаимосвязи.
В отчете анализируются такие важные вопросы, как слабый спрос на внутреннем рынке, недостаток экспортной инфраструктуры, расстояние до рынков потребления, коррупция и бюроктатизированность государственных органов стран Центральной Азии.
В отчете приводится большое количество статистической информации и графиков, анализируются экспортные стратегии и сценарии, оцениваются их влияние и значение для производителей, инвесторов, подрядчиков, поставщиков и стран-импортеров.
Chapter 1. Reserves
1.1 The Central Asian Region -Future source of deliveries to the world gas market
1.2 Current status of geological exploration
1.3 Most promising areas in the CAR
1.4 Geological potential of CAR countries
1.4.1 Azerbaijan
1.4.2 Kazakhstan
1.4.3 Turkmenistan
1.4.4 Uzbekistan
Chapter 2. Production, Processing and Consumption
2.1 Historical overview of CAR gas production
2.2 Main trends in regional gas production, processing and consumption
2.3 Current status of regional gas production, processing and distribution facilities
2.4 Country profiles
2.4.1 Azerbaijan
2.4.2 Kazakhstan
2.4.3 Turkmenistan
2.4.4 Uzbekistan
Chapter 3. Transportation
3.1 History
3.2 Direction of the principle gas flows from Central Asia
Northern Route
Eastern Route
Southern Route
3.3 Trunk pipelines and local grids
3.4 Current state of principal national systems
3.5 Countries
3.5.1 Azerbaijan
3.5.2 Kazakhstan
3.5.3 Turkmenistan
3.5.4 Uzbekistan
Other Central Asian countries
Chapter 4: Future Markets for Central Asian Gas
4.1 Central Asian gas exports to world markets
4. 2 Consumption trends on the target markets
4. 3 Competitiveness of CAR gas
Price considerations
Competitive deliveries
LNG/LPG markets for Central Asian
4.4 Potential markets for Central Asian gas
Western Europe
FSU European countries
China and countries of Asia-Pacific Region
Chapter 5: Gas Export Projects
5.1 Gazprom's Central Asian policy
5.1.1 History of CAR gas exports outside FSU
5.1.2 History of CAR gas exports to the CIS
5.1.3 Gazprom's plans for CAR
5.2 Geopolitical and gas export strategies of Central Asian countries
5.3 Main future gas transportation routes from Central Asia
5.3.1 Through Russia to FSU countries
5.3.2 Through Russia to Europe
5.3.3 Through Turkey to Europe
5.3.4 Through Turkey to the Middle East
5.3.5 Through Iran to the Persian Gulf
5.3.6 Across Afghanistan to Pakistan and India
5.3.7 Across China and the Far East
Chapter 6: New Opportunities for Central Asian Gas Exports
6.1 New political conditions
6.2 New processes on the Asian gas market
6.2.1 Rising LNG demand in Asia
6.2.2 Advantages of extending LNG exports
6.3 New marketing opportunities
6.4 Possible scenarios for the gas industry of CAR countries
Chapter 7. Strategies for Investors, Suppliers and Importers
7.1 Privatization of transportation and distribution systems
7.1.1 The strategy of privatizing CAR gas sector
7.1.2 Case study - Tractebel
7.2 Ownership of new construction
7.3 Upstream development
7.4 Processing
7.5 Consideration for service and equipment suppliers
7.6 Utilizing local capability
7.7 Opportunities for gas traders
Appendix: Contact Details