Газовый рынок СНГ: международные аспекты
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февраль 2009
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«Газовый рынок СНГ: международные аспекты» анализирует текущее состояние и возможные перемены на рынках природного газа стран СНГ, в особенности, влияние грядущих изменений на состояние газового баланса России и Евразии до 2020.
Исследование предлагает среднесрочные прогнозы газовых экспортных потоков из:
- Азербайджана
- Казахстана
- Туркменистана
- Узбекистана
оценивая изменение экономической ситуации при введении новых маршрутов, а также степень их осуществимости.
«Газовый рынок СНГ: международные аспекты» приводит детальные профили стран-экспортеров СНГ. Каждый профиль содержит следующую информацию:
- запасы природного газа
- прогнозные сценарии добычи газа до 2020
- ключевые компании-игроки
- законодательные аспекты и налоговый режим
- существующая газотранспортная инфраструктура
- экспортные потоки и маршруты
- перспективы развития на существующих и новых экспортных рынках
- прогнозные экспортные объемы газа в привязке к предполагаемому соотношению спроса и предложения
«Газовый рынок СНГ: международные аспекты» также дает детальный анализ следующих экспортных рынков, сгруппированных по географическому принципу:
- Страны бывшего Советского Союза: Россия, Украина, Грузия, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан
- Европа: Австрия, Болгария, Греция, Венгрия, Румыния
- Ближний Восток: Турция, Иран (северные регионы)
- Южная Азия: Индия, Пакистан
- Китай
Каждый из профилей стран-импортеров включает следующие данные:
- текущий энергетический баланс
- газотранспортная инфраструктура: текущее состояние и перспективы развития
- динамика потребления природного газа
- источники экспортных поставок природного газа
- факторы, влияющие на развитие газовой отрасли
- прогнозный спрос на природный газ до 2020
- оценка доли Каспийского газа в общем объеме экспортных поставок
- прогнозные цены экспортных поставок до границы до 2020 года
Исследование «Газовый рынок СНГ: международные аспекты» предлагает три возможных
- динамика спроса на природный газ в Европе, странах СНГ, России, Китая и Южной Азии
- законтрактованные экспортные объемы природного газа из конкурирующих направлений поставок: текущие и планируемые
- прогноз цен на природный газ на экспортных рынках
- динамика реализации в регионе текущих и запланированных проектов по добыче и транспортировке природного газа
Chapter 1. The development of Caspian gas sector during the Soviet period and relationship with Russia after independence
1.1. Central Asia and Azerbaijan contribution to the USSR natural gas industry
1.2. Russia-CIS gas supply relations after establishment of newly independent states
1.3. Central Asia and Caspian countries in the global gas industry
Chapter 2. New export routes
2.1. Supplies to Russia. North route
2.2. Turkey energy hub policy. West route
2.3. South route
2.4. East route
2.5. Consolidated capacities for North, West, South and East routes
Chapter 3. Export markets analysis: growth potential and profitability
3.1. Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries
3.1.1. Russia
3.1.2. Ukraine
3.1.3. Georgia
3.1.4. Tajikistan
3.1.5. Kyrgyzstan
3.2. Europe
3.2.1. Turkey
3.2.2. Austria
3.2.3. Bulgaria
3.2.4. Hungary
3.2.5. Romania
3.2.6. Greece
3.3. Asia
3.3.1. China
3.3.2. India
3.3.3. Pakistan
3.3.4. Northern Iran
Chapter 4. Azerbaijan
4.1. Azerbaijan’s gas industry: history and current state
4.2. Azerbaijan’s energy and gas policy
4.3. Legal and tax regime in Azerbaijan
4.4. Gas reserves in Azerbaijan and potential for development
4.5. Gas industry players and projects review
4.6. Gas infrastructure of Azerbaijan
4.7. Transit policy in Azerbaijan
4.8. Gas exports directions of Azerbaijan
4.9. Azerbaijan’s positions at current markets and growth potential
4.10. Gas production scenarios in Azerbaijan
4.11. Gas export flows in Azerbaijan
Chapter 5. Kazakhstan
5.1. Kazakhstan’s gas industry: history and current state
5.2. Kazakhstan’s energy and gas policy
5.3. Legal and tax regime in Kazakhstan
5.4. Gas reserves in Kazakhstan and potential for development
5.5. Gas industry players and projects review
5.6. Gas infrastructure of Kazakhstan
5.7. Transit policy in Kazakhstan
5.8. Gas exports directions of Kazakhstan
5.9. Kazakhstan’s positions at current markets and growth potential
5.10. Gas production scenarios in Kazakhstan
5.11. Gas exports flows in Kazakhstan
Chapter 6. Turkmenistan
6.1. Turkmenistan’s gas industry: history and current state
6.2. Turkmenistan’s energy and gas policy
6.3. Legal and tax regime in Turkmenistan
6.4. Gas reserves in Turkmenistan and potential for development
6.5. Gas industry players and projects review
6.6. Gas infrastructure of Turkmenistan
6.7. Transit policy in Turkmenistan
6.8. Gas exports directions of Turkmenistan
6.9. Turkmenistan’s positions at current markets and growth potential
6.10. Gas production scenarios in Turkmenistan
6.11. Gas exports flows in Turkmenistan
Chapter 7. Uzbekistan
7.1. Uzbekistan’s gas industry: history and current state
7.2. Uzbekistan’s energy and gas policy
7.3. Legal and tax regime in Uzbekistan
7.4. Gas reserves in Uzbekistan and potential for development
7.5. Gas industry players and projects review
7.6. Gas infrastructure of Uzbekistan
7.7. Transit policy in Uzbekistan
7.8. Gas exports directions of Uzbekistan
7.9. Uzbekistan’s positions at current markets and growth potential
7.10. Gas production scenarios in Uzbekistan
7.11. Gas exports flows in Uzbekistan
Chapter 8. Scenarios for Caspian gas supply to global markets through 2020
8.1. Key trends in Caspian gas export supply to global markets
8.2. Gas exports from Central Asia and Azerbaijan: scenarios
8.2.1. White scenario with oil prices over US$ 70 per barrel
8.2.2. Blue scenario with oil prices from US$ 55 to US$ 70 per barrel
8.2.3. Red scenario with oil prices from US$ 40 to US$ 55 per barrel
8.3. Conclusions
Table 1.1. Uzbekistan gas pipeline projects timeline and throughput capacity
Table 1.2. Gas exports from Russia to Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in 1990-2000 (bcm)
Table 2.2. Potential transport capacities in the West route for gas exports from Turkey
Table 3.1. Net back from Russia to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian and Central Asian natural gas in Russia in 2009-2020
Table 3.2. Gazprom’s Central Asian gas exports, comsumed by Ukraine in 2009-2020 (bcm)
Table 3.3. Demand for Caspian natural gas in Georgia in 2009-2020
Table 3.4. Demand for Caspian natural gas in Tajikistan in 2009-2020
Table 3.5. Demand for Caspian natural gas in Kyrgyzstan in 2009-2020
Table 3.6. Current contracts for gas exports to Turkey
Table 3.7. Net back from Turkey to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Turkey in 2013-2020
Table 3.8. Net back from Austria to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Austria in 2013-2020
Table 3.9. Net back from Bulgaria to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Bulgaria in 2013-2020
Table 3.10. Net back from Hungary to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Hungary in 2013-2020
Table 3.11. Net back from Romania to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Romania in 2013-2020
Table 3.12. Net back from Greece to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Greece in 2013-2020
Table 3.13. Net back from China to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in China in 2011-2020
Table 3.14. Net back from India to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in India in 2016-2020
Table 3.15. Gas prices for various types of consumers in Pakistan as of August 2008
Table 3.16. Net back from Pakistan to Turkmenistan and demand for Caspian natural gas in Pakistan in 2016-2020
Table 3.17. Demand for Caspian natural gas in Northern Iran in 2009-2020
Table 4.1. Recoverable gas reserves by major field in Azerbaijan
Table 4.2. Underground storage upgrades in Azerbaijan
Table 4.3. Azerbaijan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. White scenario (bcm)
Table 4.4. Azerbaijan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Blue scenario (bcm)
Table 4.5. Azerbaijan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Red scenario (bcm)
Table 4.6. Net back from Austria (Baumgarten) to Azerbaijan (Shah-Deniz) (Euro/1,000 cubic meters)
Table 5.1. Kazakhstan’s fields with gas reserves, classified by type
Table 5.2. Gas reserves at largest fields in Kazakhstan
Table 5.3. Specifications of Kazakhstan’s active trunk gas pipelines
Table 5.4. Specifications of Kazakhstan’s underground gas storage facilities
Table 5.5. Export by Kazrosgaz (bcm)
Table 5.6. Kazakhstan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. White scenario (bcm)
Table 5.7. Kazakhstan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Blue scenario (bcm)
Table 5.8. Kazakhstan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Red scenario (bcm)
Table 5.9. Net back from Austria (Baumgarten) to Kazakhstan (Beineu) with comparison o Chineese and Russian direction (Euro/1,000 cubic meters)
Table 6.1. Initial gas reserves of the major in-development fields in Eastern Turkmenistan (bcm)
Table 6.2. Current proved gas reserves of major onshore fields in Turkmenistan (bcm)
Table 6.3. Initial reserves of the major in-development fields in Western Turkmenistan (bcm)
Table 6.4. Main specifications of Turkmenistan’s major trunk pipelines
Table 6.5. Turkmenistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. White scenario (bcm)
Table 6.6. Turkmenistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Blue scenario (bcm)
Table 6.7. Turkmenistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Red scenario (bcm)
Table 6.8. Net back from Austria (Baumgarten) to Turkmenistan (Shatlyk)(Euro/1,000 cubic meters)
Table 7.1. PSA executed with foreign investors in Uzbekistan
Table 7.2. Profit tax and excess profit tax in Uzbekistan
Table 7.3. Basic taxes and mandatory payments rates in Uzbekistanin 2008
Table 7.4. Specifications of Uzbekistan’s major trunk gas pipelines
Table 7.5. Main technical characteristics of existing export pipelines in Uzbekistan
Table 7.6. Uzbekistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. White scenario (bcm)
Table 7.7. Uzbekistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Blue scenario (bcm)
Table 7.8. Uzbekistan’s gas balance in 2008-2020. Red scenario (bcm)
Table 7.9. Net back from Austria (Baumgarten) to Uzbekistan (Shurtan) (Euro/1,000 cubic meters)
Table 8.1. Gas supplies to global markets under the White scenario in 2009-2020 (bcm)
Table 8.2. Gas supplies to global markets under the White scenario in 2009-2020 (millions of euro)
Table 8.3. Gas supplies to global markets under the Blue scenario in 2009-2020 (bcm)
Table 8.4. Gas supplies to global markets under the Blue scenario in 2009-2020 (millions of euro)
Table 8.5. Gas supplies to global markets under the Red scenario in 2009-2020 (bcm)
Table 8.6. Gas supplies to global markets under the Red scenario in 2009-2020 (millions of euro)
Map 2.1. Central Asia – Center gas system
Map 2.2. Pre-Caspian gas pipeline
Map 2.3. South Stream pipeline project
Map 2.4. Turkish gas import and export infrastructure
Map 2.5. Trans-Caspian gas pipeline
Map 2.6. Nabucco gas pipeline project
Map 2.7. IGI and TAP gas pipelines
Map 2.8. White Stream pipeline route
Map 2.9. Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline
Map 3.1. Ukrainian gas transportation system
Map 3.2. Georgian gas transportation system
Map 3.3. Transit routes for Russian and Azerbaijani gas and transit payments
Map 3.4. Gas transportation system of Tajikistan
Map 3.5. Gas transportation system of Kyrgyzstan
Map 3.6. Gas transportation system of Turkey
Map 3.7. Austrian gas transportation system
Map 3.8. Bulgarian gas transportation system
Map 3.9. Hungarian gas transportation system
Map 3.10. Gas transportation system of Romania
Map 3.11. Gas transportation system of Greece
Map 3.12. Gas transportation system of India
Map 3.13. Gas transportation system of Pakistan
Map 3.14. Gas transportation system of Iran
Map 3.15. Turkmenistan gas distribution in Northern Iran
Map 4.1. Azerbaijan gas fields
Map 4.2. Gas transportation system of Azerbaijan
Map 5.1. Regions of Kazakhstan
Map 5.2. Main gas fields of Kazakhstan
Map 5.3. Kazakhstan’s main gas pipelines (current and planned)
Map 6.1. Turkmenistan’s gas fields. Central and Eastern Turkmenistan
Map 6.2. Turkmenistan’s gas fields. Western Turkmenistan and Offshore Caspian Sea
Map 6.3. Gas transportation scheme for Eastern Turkmenistan gas fields
Map 6.4. Bagtiyarlyk area map
Map 6.5. 3D map of Gunorta Yeloten-Osman fields
Map 6.6. Geological profile of Gunorta Yeloten-Osman fields
Map 6.7. Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border area of Dovletabad-Daryalyk pipeline
Map 7.1. Uzbekistan oil and gas provinces
Map 7.2. Fields in the Bukhara-Khiva region
Map 7.3. Fields in the Ustiurt region
Map 7.4. Fields in the Fergana valley
Map 7.5. Lukoil operations in Uzbekistan
Map 7.6. Gas pipelines in Uzbekistan
Связанные отчеты
Перспективы добычи газа в России: 2008-2020
Российский природный газ на мировом рынке: потенциал, стратегии и прогнозы
Нефть и газ Туркменистана
Нефть и газ Узбекистана
Нефтегазовый статистический ежегодник (Россия и СНГ) 2009
Добыча нефти и газа на шельфе России и стран СНГ: Перспективы развития отрасли до 2020 года
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